Outer Heath
Lowland heathland is one of Britain’s most important habitats for wildlife conservation.

Outer Heath SNCI (Site of Nature Conservation Interest) supports a wide range of plants, birds, insects and mammals and is a wonderful place to come wildlife spotting. Warmwell Heath in the far distance is a Special Protected Area because of the wildlife it supports.

There are three different species of Heather at Silverlake, which all provide wonderful colour to Outer Heath in late summer/autumn when the lilac/purple flowers are in bloom. Many birds can be seen here including several of conservation concern such as Song thrush, Tree pipit, Green woodpecker, Linnet and Nightjar. The Nightjar may be heard churring from a nearby tree on a summer evening. These rare birds roost during the day and become active at night, feeding on night-flying insects such as moths. Look out for the Sika Deer as they graze quietly on the heath, small herds often rest in the shelter of The Hollow.

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